Thomas Mason Block Stripe Spiral Stitch Shirt
A slightly loose gathered shirt on the edge of the world of shirts that compete for fine machine stitching and beautiful, neat finishes.
生地はTHOMAS MASONの120/2ポプリン(ブロード)のストライプです。THOMAS MASONは創業から220年を超える歴史と、ロイヤルワラント(英国王室御用達)を受けた、伝統的で由緒正しい英国が誇るシャツ生地の名門です。
The fabric is THOMAS MASON’s 120/2 poplin (broad) stripe. THOMAS MASON has a history of more than 220 years since its establishment, and is a famous and traditional British shirt fabric that has received the Royal Warrant.
90年台にTHOMAS MASONはイタリアのアルビニ(Albini)社のグループ企業となりましたが、エジプト綿の中でも超長綿の究極の最高級糸のみを使用して作られた双糸の生地を作り続けています。日本でも80番ぐらいの汎用生地は結構出回るようになり、セレクトショップなどが作る事も見かけるようになりました。この生地は少し違って、エジプト綿の中でも究極の最高級糸(GAZA87)を使用して作られた120番双糸を使用し、創業時からの伝統的な織と仕上げ技法を提供されたイタリアの工場で作られたもの。しっかりした質感と光沢と密度のある柔らかさの調和が美しい生地です。
In the 1990’s, THOMAS MASON became a group company of the Italian company Albini, and continues to produce twin yarn fabrics made from only the ultimate top quality yarn of Egyptian cotton. Even in Japan, general-purpose fabrics of about No. 80 yarn have become quite common, and you can see them being made by select stores. This fabric is a little different. It is made from the ultimate top quality yarn of Egyptian cotton (GIZA87), 120 thread count twin yarn, and is made at a factory in Italy that was provided with the traditional weaving and finishing techniques from the time of its establishment. This fabric has a beautiful harmony of firm texture, luster, and dense softness.
これぞBlock Stripe(和名ロンドンストライプ)といった感じのブルー✖️ホワイトのストライプ。このストライプは、英国王室御用達のシャツメーカーのTurnbull&Asser(ターンブル&アッサー)が、1930年代にミュージカル衣装用に作った派手なストライプ・シャツを一般向けに販売したのが始まり。この生地はロンドンで流行し、それを見た日本人がロンドンストライプと呼ぶように。
This is the Block Stripe (Japanese name: London Stripe), a blue ✖️white stripe. This stripe started when Turnbull & Asser, a shirt manufacturer for the British royal family, started selling flashy striped shirts made for musical costumes to the general public in the 1930s. The fabric became popular in London, and the stripes came to be known as London stripes in Japan.
ちょうどこの頃、Turnbull&Asserの生地の独占的なサプライヤーとなっていたのがTHOMAS MASON。つまり、THOMAS MASONこそロンドンストライプ(Block Stripe)のオリジナルを手掛けた生地メーカーだったということです。
At that time, THOMAS MASON was the exclusive supplier of Turnbull & Asser’s fabrics. In other words, THOMAS MASON was the first fabric manufacturer to produce the original London Stripe (Block Stripe).
The usual way to make a shirt is to love the quality of the fabric with beautiful sewing and neat tailoring. However, our STANDARD is made by trimming the hems and sides with vintage cords twisted with dead stock French linen from the 1940s, which no one else would do, and then tightening and running thick threads without regard to puckering or sewing wrinkles to the fullest extent.
The machine stitching is only visible on the right side of the front. The inside of the collar is also hand-stitched.
The upper front and back of the cuffs are hand-stitched with flux-colored French linen thread. Expressive small stitching with only a pocked head peeking out on the front.
A welt pocket on the chest that is not often used on shirts. This pocket is small, useless, and a bit of a joke. This pocket is perfect for displaying a chief. Linen hand stitching is also used here.
Squared collar for a relaxed, soft look with no stitching.
The sideline of the hem is deeply cut up. The swell of the steep curve creates a more expressive hem that flutters in the wind. Hand-sewn gussets. The shoulders and sides are sewn in French seam. This is a tedious way to keep the stitches from showing.
The button is a small buffalo button. The buttons are made from buffalo horn and are not dyed, giving them a natural look and feel, with a deep ivory color and soft luster.
Buffalo buttons are mainly used for outerwear such as tailored jackets and coats, but this small size is rare. These buttons are more expensive than the standard white shells used in high-end shirts, and they have a strong presence with their solid thickness.
今もこれからも新しく古びない、洗い晒しがつくるしわ。ただ、きれいなだけじゃなく、ラフなだけでもない。言葉にできない味のあるもの、それがMANURE OF DRAWERSの考えるSTANDARDのカタチです。
Wrinkles created by washing and bleaching, which are new and will never get old. It is not only beautiful, but also rough.It has a flavor that cannot be put into words,That is the form of STANDARD that MANURE OF DRAWERS believes in.
肩幅 = 40cm
ネック = 40cm
バスト = 55cm
袖丈 = 56cm
着丈 = 75cm
肩幅 = 44cm
ネック = 42cm
バスト = 60cm
袖丈 = 61cm
着丈 = 82cm
表地 = 120/2 Super Fine Cotton Poplin Block Stripe / Cotton100%
ボタン = Buffalo Horn Button
Thomas Mason Block Stripe Spiral Stitch Shirt
[STANDARD By Manure of Drawers] SOLD