

“Marine Nationale” Officers Linen Tailored Work Jacket

“Marine Nationale” Officers Linen Tailored Work Jacket




1950-1960 Vintage  French “Marine Nationale” Officers Linen Tailored Work Jacket





70年ほど前の、フランス海軍“Marine Nationale”の下士官のテイラー仕立てのワークジャケット。

It is the feces of someone’s chest of drawers, which had been lying untossed because it had been cherished and loved.

This is a work jacket tailored by a junior officer of the French Navy “Marine Nationale” about 70 years ago.











Even after 70 years, the firm texture and elegant luster of this uniquely French linen fabric speaks of its high quality











It is so carefully tailored that it is hard to believe that it was originally made as a work jacket. With darts to shape the waist, this jacket has a compact fit that reflects the aesthetic sensibilities of the time.











The beautifully curved sleeves are unique to French workwear, where the advantages of a three-dimensional pattern come alive.














The antique linen fabric is patched to the frayed neckline and hems, avoiding showy joints, and only the discreet contrast of the stitching is used to create an appealing repair for adults.














The face around the collar is dignified with sharply angled peaked lapels that expresses a naval character.











1.2-1.5mm fine hand stitching on PATCH surrounding the collar. Dry handwork that is completely different from the warmth and simplicity of the hand. However, the expression created by the natural disorder of the handwork gives it a taste that cannot be created by a sewing machine.














Pockets that are frayed from the wear and tear of the items put inside, and patches and darning on the lapels and sleeves that are frayed from wearing the garment.














Damage created by chance and time and the handiwork of thinking seamstresses.














The original shape was a single jacket with four buttons, although the fit was deep lap. We took advantage of that deep lap and changed it to a shallow double by making buttonholes.











The number of buttons and buttonholes was increased from four to fourteen to play with the rhythm drawn by the buttons.














The buttons selected were French vintage and antique glass buttons chosen at random. Glass buttons were useful in the days when plastic was not yet available.










クリスタルや色ガラスなど、装飾的な意味合いが強いチェコや ベネツィアのガラスボタンと比較すると、素朴で飾り気のない、庶民や労働者にむけた実質的なシンプルな形がたくさん作られて浸透していたフランス特有のボタンたち。

Compared to Czech and Venetian glass buttons, which are more decorative, such as crystal and colored glass, French buttons are rustic and unadorned, and many simple, substantial shapes were made and penetrated by the common people and workers.











It is easier to shape than wood, shells, bones, and horns, which are made by cutting, hollowing out, and cutting down the original material of irregular shapes. The shape and size can be freely adjusted. Can be mass-produced in factories at low cost, and more durable than wood or paper. The milky-white rustic texture and shape of the buttons, which have become dull with use, further deepen the flavor of the product.











A solid silhouette that looks great with the collar up. While it is workwear, the body of the garment has a core lining, and the back of the collar is finely stitched, as only tailor-made garments can be.











The rustic cotton broadcloth lining of this one-piece jacket has just the right amount of tension and wrinkling, and the rustic look of the yarn is appealing.











The hem of the lining, with its deep turnover and hand stitching, swiings without stopping at the body and is light around the hem.











The wrinkles created by the washing of the lining and outer fabric, and the clean contrast between the white and the raw color.











Because it is handmade, the hand-sewn wrinkles are also beautiful and soft.











The pockets were dismantled and the damage repaired. They were lined and hand-stitched to give the pockets a rounded and gently three-dimensional appearance.











Waterproof, highly perspiring, tough, and flame-retardant. Materials have become more and more sophisticated, and shapes have continued to evolve in pursuit of mobility and work efficiency, but in terms of fashion, the world of work clothes must be degenerating.











It is a garment that fascinates people who have values that are never created on paper or digital screens, and who are not confused by trends, brands, or prices.










サイズ 2

肩幅 =47cm 


袖丈 =60 cm 

着丈 =73cm


Front Fabric = Middle WeightLinen / Linen 100%        

Back Fabric  = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton 100%

Buttons   = Vintage and Antique French Glass Button 

                        & Antique Fabric Covered Button







1950-1960 Vintage  French “Marine Nationale” Officers Linen Tailored Work Jacket

[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers]  SOLD