

Antique Pure Linen Fabric Made Lots of Hand-sewn Patches Work Tailor jacket

Antique Pure Linen Fabric Made Lots of Hand-sewn Patches Work Tailor  jacket




Early 20th Century Antique  Hand Woven Pure Linen Fabric Made Lots of Hand-sewn Patches Work Tailor  jacket





This jacket is made of antique linen woven on several types of French manual looms from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and patched by hand in combination.










生地を上に被せてpatchするのでは無く、象嵌細工のように生地をくり抜きながらモザイク状に生地をpatchしていくフランス独特のpatch work=travail de patchだけが描き出せる不思議な魅力。

The patch work is not done by covering the fabric on top of the patch, but by hollowing out the fabric like an inlay work, and then patch the fabric in the form of a mosaic.










5mm以上ものピッチで太い糸を刺す刺し子や、ミシンで生地を叩きつけるパッチワークとは全く違う、静かな大人のpatch work。それらの何倍もの時間をかけて、一つ一つのパーツを1mm~1.5mmの細かなbrind stitchで縫い上げて繋いで描いた象嵌模様。

Quiet and mature patch work that is completely different from stitches made like SASHIKO with thick threads at a pitch of 5mm or more or patchwork made by sewn the fabric with a sewing machine, taking many times longer than those methods.














The intricately layered fabric patches have a look that can only be achieved by sewing by hand, not with a sewing machine.














The subdued contrast of the colors of the patched fabrics and the properly stitched edges are a completely different worldview from patches that are just cut and pasted fabrics, or improvised patches with flashy colors and patterns.











The shape is a Taylor-type work jacket. It is a loose silhouette with a relaxed volume.














Linen has a soft and fluffy texture that overturns the image of hardness, roughness, and tautness that one might expect from linen











It is said that the more linen is used, the softer and shinier it becomes. As the popularity of old linen shows, linen is at its most beautiful when it has been used.














In the days when machine technology was not yet fully developed, linen was processed, spun, and woven by hand.











The short length and rounded hemline create an indescribable look.














The irregularly designed vents and wings, which are the result of handwork, are soft with beautiful hand-sewn wrinkles.














In contrast to the dependence on imported cotton materials, French linen is easy to obtain and familiar because it is grown in France. The fabric has a deep taste with various textures and shades that reflect the passage of years of use, and the withered texture further enhances the taste.











France is a major producer of flux, the raw material for linen, and is proud of its own brand of high quality French linen. However, even in France, most of the processes other than the cultivation of the raw material (especially the spinning by moisture spinning, which is mostly done in China) are now done outside of France, and pure French linen fabric is no longer available as it was when this fabric was made.











Gently faced pockets that are lined and hand scooped and sutured.











Rustic cotton lining with hand stitching. Uneven stitching that conveys stoicism rather than hand warmth, the look of stitch wrinkles and fabric contrast creates a dry depth.










ボタンはランダムに選んだバッファローホーンボタンと、vintageのCorozo(Vegetable Ivory)のボタンをランダムに選んだ組み合わせ。

The buttons are a combination of randomly selected buffalo horn buttons and randomly selected vintage Corozo (Vegetable Ivory) buttons.















Rustic cotton broadcloth has the right amount of tension and wrinkles, and the rustic look of the yarn woven in India.

The liner is hand-patted to create a contrast in texture, color, and cleanliness. The soft stitching and wrinkles are the result of handwork.














A basic, yet unforgettable appearance. Clothes that can do what old and new alone cannot do.













サイズ 2

肩幅 = 43cm 

バスト= 53cm(脇下)

袖丈 = 60cm 

着丈 = 69cm


Front Fabric = Several types of French Antique Hand Woven Pure Linen/  Linen       

Back Fabric = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton100%

Buttons     = Buffalo Horn & Vintage Corozo(Vegetable Ivory)) Buttons (Random Choice)

                 & Antique Fabric Covered Buttons






Early 20th Century Antique  Hand Woven Pure Linen Fabric Made Lots of Hand-sewn Patches Work Tailor  jacket

[STANDRD By Manure of Drawers]