

Vintage Patch & Darning Waxed Cotton Jacket by Barbour “BEAUFORT ”

Vintage Patch & Darning Waxed Cotton Jacket by Barbour “BEAUFORT ”


End of 1980’s Vintage Worn Patch & Darning Waxed Cotton Jacket by Barbour “BEAUFORT ” 




Although the United Kingdom is called the land of rain and fog, it does not actually receive a great deal of precipitation, about half that of Tokyo or Osaka. However, the Gulf Stream, a warm current, flows to the west of the British coast, a cold region located at a higher latitude than Hokkaido, and on many days clouds are created by the collision of air warmed by this warm current and cold air flowing in from the Arctic Ocean. As a result, there are many days with fog, overcast, light rain, and brief periods of sunshine, which means that precipitation frequency is high even though the amount is low.











The amount of rain is light and the duration of the rain is not long, but it is frequent, and even if you have an umbrella, you may not use it for a long time, but the rain repeats to the extent that you get your clothes wet. It is said to have led to the fact that waterproof and water-repellent clothing has always been a familiar part of people’s lives, not something special.










2枚の生地の間にゴムを挟んだマッキントッシュ(Mackintosh Cloth)、綿の生地にワックスをコーティングした(Waxed Cotton Cloth=オイルスキン)、高番手の綿糸を超高密度に織り上げたベンタイルコットン(Ventile Cotton)など、英国の生んだ防水素材は防水と同時に、寒気をも防ぐ防風性にも優れた性能を持っています。

Mackintosh Cloth with elastic between two layers of fabric, waxed cotton cloth (Waxed Cotton Cloth = Oilskin), and Ventile Cotton (Ventile Cotton) made of high count cotton yarns woven together in ultra-high density, are waterproof fabrics produced in England. Cotton, which is made of high count cotton yarns woven into ultra-dense fabrics, are waterproof and windproof to protect against cold.










Of these materials born of the need to work outdoors and go out, waxed cotton (oilskin) is the most widely used, even by the common people. Waxed cotton, a cotton material in which oil wax is infiltrated into the fabric and coated on the surface to give it water repellency, has a unique fabric expression and texture, and has long been established as the most versatile waterproof outerwear, being cheaper and easier to care for than Ventile and McIntosh.











There are many companies, both well-known and unknown, that make waxed cotton products in the U.K. You can find cheap, unknown waxed cotton products in supermarkets, in the corner of downtown dry-goods stores, in garden supply stores on the outskirts of town, and at weekend flea markets, not to mention in clothing stores in town.











Barbour is a leading company among them, and has established itself as a steadfast pioneer in the manufacture of waxed cotton garments. However, Barbour did not develop its signature fabric like Mackintosh.











Waxed cotton fabrics were originally developed in the era of sailing ships before the development of steam engines, in order to improve durability by preventing mold and corrosion caused by sails being left wet, to improve water repellency and water resistance, to prevent the weight and slippage of sails when they are raised due to water, and to fill gaps in the fabric with oil in order to catch wind efficiently. The fabric was developed with the purpose of filling the gaps in the fabric with oil to catch the wind efficiently. Barbour has been using this fabric for clothing ever since.











In 1894, Barbour launched a successful waxed cotton (oilskin) coat called the “BEACON” with fabric supplied by Webster’s, a sail manufacturer that was planning to expand into garment manufacturing in addition to canvas, as the need for sails tapered off with the shift from sailboats to engine ships.














Barbour’s business performance increased dramatically as a result of its use in government and military products, such as waterproof clothing during World War I and Navy submarines in World War II, following its use in practical clothing for fishermen and other workers in bad weather conditions on the North Sea. However, special procurement ended with the end of the war. With the modernization and technological development that followed, high-performance materials such as nylon were developed, and Barbour’s waxed cotton, like McIntosh cloth, was in danger of becoming a relic of the past.














Barbour was quick to recognize the changes of the times and, beginning with the “International,” a motorcycle-spec rider’s jacket, Barbour switched from a market that had previously only included government, military, fishermen, dockworkers, and other non-general apparel needs to a market that included the “International. The company switched to new sales channels and product development. We embarked on new sales channels and product development. The resultant products were “BEDALE” for riding clothes, “BEAUFORT” for game hunting, and other excellent products that were accepted by people living in the UK.













これによってBarbouは地位と名声をさらに確固たるものとし、英国王室御要達の証であるロイヤル・ワラントを得る栄誉を勝ち取りました。ロイヤルワラントを得た会社は800社以上有りますがエディンバラ公、エリザベス女王 (故)、チャールズ皇太子(現国王)の3つのワラントを授かった会社は数少ない存在です。

This further solidified Barbou’s position and prestige, and earned the company the honor of receiving a Royal Warrant, the seal of the Royal Family. There are more than 800 companies that have received Royal Warrants, but only a few have been granted three by the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth (deceased), and Prince Charles (current King).













Barbourはものづくりの方向を一般向けに変更したとはいえ、そのターゲットとイメージは、乗馬や贅沢品の趣味のモータースポーツ、ゲームハンティングを楽しむ貴族階級や有産階級などの、社会的地位のある富裕層のもの。BEAUFORTはゲームハンティング用に設計されたジャケットです。この写真は、King Charles III のハンティングに、BEAUFORTを着てに同行したQueen Camilla。

Although Barbour has changed the direction of its manufacturing towards the general public, its target and image is that of the wealthy with social status, such as the aristocracy and the well-to-do who enjoy the hobby of horseback riding, luxury motor sports and game hunting. In this photo, Queen Camilla accompanied King Charles III on his hunting trip wearing BEAUFORT.













ワックスコットンのジャケットといえばおきまりはタータンチェックのライニング。英国伝統のいにしえの香りも良いのですが、少し保守的で定番すぎておじさんぽくてつまらないのも事実。特にVintageの場合、使い込まれ着込まれることによりチェックが薄汚れていたり毛羽立ってたり、オイルの匂いが内側にまで染み込んで、内側の手触りまでも油っぽかったり。その不潔感や悪い意味でのつまらなさを取り除くために、ライナーを生成りのrustic cottonに変更したことで、清潔でモダンなイメージに。

When it comes to waxed cotton jackets, tartan check linings are the norm. The traditional English scent of the past is nice, but it is also a bit conservative, too standard, too old-fashioned, and boring. Especially in the case of Vintage, the checks are dirty and furry after being used and worn, the smell of oil soaks into the inside, and even the inside texture is oily. In order to get rid of the filthiness and the boringness in a bad sense, we changed the liner to raw rustic cotton, which gives it a clean and modern image.











The design with the cut-off edge of the liner gives the whole jacket a sense of movement and lightness, and it is a Vintage that will continue to grow and change as it is worn.











The impression is very different from the tartan check liner. This would look great not only in traditional English-style combinations, but also in today’s mood.











The back is accented with a cross motif stitched with VINTAGE linen cord.











The large game pocket on the back has a secure zipper. The wax has been worn out a little, and the texture of the fabric has withered, giving it a quaint feel. The moderate damage that shows the owner’s use, and the repairs such as darning that have been done to it add a unique Vintage flavor.












Hand stitching for reinforcement and accents in key areas such as cuffs and pockets. The attachment of the liner is all done by hand.

The natural irregularity of the stitches, which are the result of handwork, is a crystallization of time that gives a rich taste to the hard fabric.











The liner has an inside pocket, which is not in the original, so that you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe, even if you were somewhat worried that wax or odors might get on them.










このようなvintageのポケットの袋布には、長年の着用で溜まった得体の知れない埃や、汚れがこびり付いている事がほとんどです。このジャケットのパッチ&フラップのウエストポケットの内張、胸のハンドウォーマーポケット、プラケットに設置されたMapポケット、背中の大きなゲームポケット(獲物入れ)、全ての袋布をrustic cottonに取り替えて、不潔な残滓は全て捨て去っています。

Most of the bag cloth in these vintage pockets is covered with unidentifiable dust and dirt that has accumulated over the years of wear. The lining of the patch and flap waist pockets, the hand warmer pockets on the chest, the map pocket on the placket, and the large game pocket on the back have all been replaced with rustic cotton to get rid of any filthy residue.











A basic yet somehow modern appearance. Clothes that can do what just old or just new cannot do.










サイズ 2

裄丈 =80cm(肩幅=45cm、袖丈=60 cm 相当)

肩幅 =40cm 


着丈 =76cm


表地   = Waxed Cotton Cloth / Cotton100% + Oile Wax

ライナー = Ventile cotton Cloth / Cotton 100%






End of 1950’s Vintage Worn Patch & Darning Waxed Cotton Jacket by Barbour “BEAUFORT ” 

[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers]  SOLD