1940-1950 Vintage Thick Ribbed Corduroy Made French Old Hunting Jacket
In France, the hunting ban is lifted around the end of September, and as the autumn season deepens, gibier begins to appear on market shelves, marking the start of the fall culinary season in earnest. France is the number one hunting country in Europe and has a deep-rooted culture of enjoying game, so not only professional hunters but also many people are eagerly awaiting the lifting of the hunting ban in the fall.
In France, hunting as a leisure activity and sport is second only to soccer in popularity.
More than 1.2 million people (mostly men) hold hunting licenses, which is equivalent to about 5% of all French men over the age of 16 who are eligible for a hunting license, second only to the 2.2 million soccer enthusiasts and larger than the 1.1 million tennis enthusiasts.
In the past, hunting was a pastime for the privileged and wealthy, such as the aristocracy. It was a luxurious pastime for ordinary people, except for hunters who hunted as a way of earning a living. In modern times, however, it has gradually become widely enjoyed.
This is a French hunting jacket from about 80 years ago. It was made by tailors to order, not mass-produced in factories, at a time when hunting was still a high-class hobby. In the pursuit of high functionality and performance, this jacket was made with synthetic fibers, fasteners, and velcro, many of which have been discarded in modern hunting wear.
As is typical of France, the birthplace of the mode, where decorative elements are not forgotten in atelier coats and work jackets if only to satisfy practicality and functionality, molds are deliberately made and animal motifs are engraved on the buttons. The slightly peeling paint and dull color of the buttons show the traces of the nearly 90 years of time that have passed on this jacket.
Newly made buttonholes and doubled number of buttons create an impressive look.
Dog, horse, deer, boar, fox, wolf. Vintage animal relief buttons with a mix of hunter and prey. The original buttonholes are unraveled and re-glued with linen cord, and new buttonholes are made to double the number of buttons, creating a classic yet modern and powerful look.
The buttons, which are slightly painted, rusted, and dull in color, are imprinted with the traces of long time, just like this jacket.
This jacket is not made with game pockets for hunting game.
The original owner was probably someone who did not need to carry the game himself (someone who could have his servants or subordinates carry it for him), or someone who hunted only large four-legged animals such as deer and boar, rather than hunting small hares and fowl that could fit in the game pockets. Hunting large four-legged animals was more gamey than hunting hares and other game, and for a long time was a hunt reserved for the aristocracy.
The fabric is a corduroy suitable for the fall and winter hunting season. The beige-brown, thick-ribbed corduroy is soft and in a condition that is hard to believe it is nearly 80 years old.
Thick-ribbed corduroy. After a long time, it has faded a little, deepening its good, withered taste. However, the fabric with almost no shedding of fluff, etc., is unique to this period and cannot be found even if you look for it nowadays.
The rounded, flat pattern around the collar has a look that is unique to vintage France.
The sleeves curve along the shape of the arm. The jacket, tailored with a three-dimensional pattern in accordance with the basics of French tailoring, is not only functional and made for hunting, but also overflows with the spirit of French esprit, beauty, and strength.
The damaged cuffs were repaired with different color corduroy patches and darning.
オリジナルの旧いライニングを除去して、未晒しのRustic cottonに変更し、ヴィンテージの重いイメージを中和して、清潔でモダンな印象と着込まれた風合いを両立させたジャケットになっています。
The original old lining has been removed and replaced with unbleached rustic cotton, neutralizing the heavy vintage image and creating a jacket with both a clean, modern look and a worn-in feel.
ウエストポケットも胸ポケット、内ポケット全て旧い袋布を取り外して、新たにrustic cottonで作り替えています。長年の間にたまる服の内側の埃や、ポケットに残る汚れやこびりついた埃を取り除き、不潔な残滓は全てゴミ箱へ捨てる事もALTERATIONの基本です。
The waist pockets, chest pockets, and inside pockets are all made from rustic cotton after removing the old sackcloth. ALTERATION is also based on removing dust from the inside of the garment, dirt and stuck dust from the pockets, and throwing all filthy residue into the trash.
The hemlines are slightly shaved to add a light, soft look.
The stitchwork on the back is accented with vintage linen cords carefully stitched to create a cross motif.
The hand work of attaching the lining and around the hem. The natural disorder caused by the handwork of the stitches that have been carefully sewn into the fabric is a crystallization of time that gives a rich taste.
Clothes that are not just vintage for those who do not seek only antique value in their clothes or want them to serve as a price tag to make themselves look expensive.
サイズ 2
肩幅 =45 cm
袖丈 =60 cm
着丈 =74cm
Outer Fabric = Thick Ribbed Corduroy / Cotton100%
Lining Fabric = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton100%
Button = Vintage & Antique Animal Relief Button (Random Choice)
& Antique Fabric Covered Button
1940-1950 Vintage Thick Ribbed Corduroy Made French Old Hunting Jacket
[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers] SOLD