

India Ink Dyed Velveteen Fabric Made Double Breasted Work Jacket

India Ink Dyed Velveteen Fabric Made Double Breasted Work Jacket




Vintage French Dead Stock India Ink Dyed Velveteen Fabric Made French “Maline Nationale” Type Double Breasted Work Jacket




vintageの生地を使って製作した、フランス海軍“Marine Nationale”の下士官のテイラー仕立てのワークジャケットをベースに作ったコート/ジャケット。

Coat/jacket based on the tailored work jacket of a junior officer of the French Navy “Marine Nationale”, made from vintage fabric.











The tailoring is such that it is hard to believe that this jacket was tailored as a work jacket, as seen in the original jacket. It is a compact fitted coat/jacket with a sense of aesthetics unique to this period.














The dignified face around the collar with sharply angled peaked lapels that expresses a naval-like appearance.














Around the collar, old fabrics from the same era are patched, avoiding showy joints, with only a discreet contrast in stitching to create an appealing accent for adults. Pockets also have patches for accent.














1.2-1.5mm fine hand stitching on PATCH surrounding the collar. Dry handwork that is completely different from the warmth and simplicity of the hand. However, the expression created by the natural disorder of the handwork gives it a taste that cannot be created by a sewing machine.














The original shape was a single jacket with four buttons, although the lap was deep. The base was a double jacket with buttonholes made to take advantage of the deep fit. Hand stitching was also arranged to fasten the front turnover.













生地はフランスのIndia Inkで染められたvintageのコットンVelveteen生地。

The fabric is a vintage cotton Velveteen fabric dyed by India Ink in France.


The base fabric has a firm tension and volume, yet is light to the touch. The short, bristled suede has a luster, but the color has a rustic, uneven feel, as if it had been dyed by a farmer.














The deep indigo hue changes with each wear, wash, scrape, and abrasion, and grows with the wearer














The rhythm of 14 buttons and buttonholes in a row.













アンティーク生地で包んだreinforced buttonの並ぶ前身頃のfacingは、表から見えませんが、なかなか趣のある姿。

The front facing, lined with reinforced buttons wrapped in antique fabric, is not visible from the front, but has quite an atmospheric appearance.











The buttons are also French VINTAGE deadstock.














These elaborately crafted buttons are made of thick shell covered in brass with a rope-like pattern, making them a unique vintage item.














Buttonholes are also all hand-stitched.











Linen hand stitching on sleeve outseams and side seams.














Button-fastening sleeve tabs at the cuffs.














The linen fabric has fine stitching on the back of the collar.














A solid silhouette that looks great with the collar up. The tailor-made construction with fine stitches on the back of the collar.











The rustic cotton broadcloth lining has just the right amount of tension and wrinkle, and the rustic look of the yarn is appealing.














The hem of the lining has a deep facing and hand-stitched details, and is not attached to the body, but is left floating to keep the hem light.











The wrinkles created by the washing of the lining and the outer fabric, and the clean contrast between indigo and natural colors. The hand-stitched wrinkles are also beautiful and soft because of the handwork.














Pockets are lined and hand-stitched to create a rounded and gently three-dimensional pocket.














It is a garment that fascinates people who have values that are never created on paper or digital screens, and who are not confused by trends, brands, or prices.










Size 2

Shoulder width = 47cm 

Bust = 56 cm (underarm)

Sleeve length = 61 cm 

Length = 72 cm


Front Fabric = Vintage India Ink Dyed Velveteen / Cotton 100%        

Back Fabric  = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton 100%

Buttons   = Vintage French Metal Wrapped Shell Button

                        & Antique Fabric Covered Button



India Inkは顔料による染色の為、繊維表面の残留色素が擦過などにより剥離し、インディゴ染めのものに見られるように他のものに移染する場合がありますのでご注意ください。

Please note that India Ink is dyed with pigments, so residual pigments on the surface of the fiber may peel off due to abrasion, etc., and transfer to other items, as seen with indigo-dyed items.




Vintage French Dead Stock India Ink Dyed Velveteen Fabric Made French “Maline Nationale” Type Double Breasted Work Jacket

[STANDARD By Manure of Drawers]  SOLD