

Vintage Old “Pied-de Poule Veste de Travail ”

Vintage Old “Pied-de Poule Veste de Travail ”




1950-1960 Vintage Old “Pied-de Poule Veste de Travail ” Made by Long Established French Manufacture Ets. BRAGARD 




フランスの老舗ワークウェアメーカー、Ets. BRAGARDの1950年代の1着。

A piece from the 1950s by Ets. BRAGARD, a long-established French workwear manufacturer.











The BRAGARD family has been in the tailoring, general merchandise, and haberdashery business for generations since 1757. Henri took over the family business and in 1933 tailored butcher’s salopettes in a durable canvas fabric for a neighboring grocery store, which was the beginning of today’s development.














The salopettes were well received, and he went on to develop a wide range of successful products for the catering, food, and hospitality industries, which had been a void in the workwear manufacturing industry.










細かな“Pied-de Poule(千鳥格子)”は、かつてはブルーのフレンチサージと、並んでフランスのワークウェアの生地を代表する定番的な柄でしたが、近年ではすっかり見かけなくなってしまったのは寂しい限りです。パンジーのような青紫とオフホワイトのチェックは清潔感があり、ちょっと古くさい感じがして懐かしさも感じさせてくれます。

The fine “Pied-de-Poule” (staggered plaid) was once a standard pattern representing French workwear fabrics along with blue French serge, but it is sad to say that it has completely disappeared in recent years. The pansy-like bluish-purple and off-white checks are clean and have a slightly old-fashioned, nostalgic feel to them.










この1着は、そのPied-de Pouleで作られたワークジャケットでありながらテーラードカラーの形という珍しいもの。

This one is an unusual work jacket made by Pied-de Poule, with a tailored collar shape.











In addition, the placket has an elaborate design with a winged tailoring, which is rare even for a tailored type.














The look of old and new work clothes with a modern style that you would not believe is 70 years old.










袖口も、ワークジャケットには珍しい2つボタンのsurgeon’s cuffs。開けたり閉じたり、袖口の表情の豊かさは、着こなす上での楽しさを倍増させてくれるはず。

The cuffs also have two-button surgeon’s cuffs, a rarity for work jackets, and the rich expression of the cuffs, which can be opened or closed, will double the fun of wearing it.










ワークジャケットは労働者の仕事着として、 汚れの防止や機能性の求めに応じて作られました。 米国や英国のものは、頑丈な素材を使い2重3重のステッチが入った直線的なディティールで、縫製効率や生地要尺の節減、意匠よりも機能優先の基本にしたがった頑丈で無骨な物が殆どです。

Work jackets were made to meet the needs of workers for protection from dirt and functionality. Most jackets made in the U.S. and the U.K. are sturdy and rugged, using sturdy materials and straight details with double or triple stitching, based on the principle of functionality over sewing efficiency, reduction of fabric requirements, and design.










しかしかつてのフランスのワークウェアは、機能性を重視しながらも、そこかしこに繊細な数々のディティールを散りばめ、機能的装飾デザインの素晴らしさから、現代にも通用する別格のものを確立させています。 このジャケットも大きなポケットで、機能を果たしながらも、立体的な造形などが単なる労働着を超えた意匠に満ちています。

However, French workwear of the past, while emphasizing functionality, has established something exceptional that can be used even today because of the numerous delicate details scattered here and there and the excellence of functional decorative design. This jacket also has large pockets, and while fulfilling its function, the three-dimensional modeling and other features are filled with designs that go beyond mere workwear.











Waterproof, perspiration-proof, tough, and flame-retardant. Materials have become more and more sophisticated, and shapes have continued to evolve in pursuit of mobility and work efficiency, but the world of workwear must be degenerating in terms of fashion.














The boxy silhouette is typical of workwear. The minimalist look, which cancels out the warmth of handwork, is old but new.













The pockets are removed once, lined and double-lined, and then hand-scoop-stitched on the inside and sewn to the body to create a rounded and full-textured form.











Hand-stitched accents trimming the bag cloth of the chest box pockets.











The buttons are dead stock from France. It has a stylish design with a wood base and ring-shaped glass laminated to it, which makes it hard to believe that it is from the past. The light gray hue and unique design give the button a modern look.














The wear and tear that remains here and there reflects the time this jacket has been worn











The rustic cotton broadcloth lining has just the right amount of tension and wrinkle, and the rustic look of the yarn is appealing.














The hand work of attaching the lining and around the hem. The natural disorder caused by the handwork of the stitches that have been painstakingly sewn into the fabric is a crystallization of time that gives a rich taste.











Between the original button spacing, a new buttonhole is made and increased, and the spacing is filled in, doubling the number of buttons.











It is something that only real time, chance, and hands could create, something that could never be created from a drawing on paper or on a computer screen. It is a piece of clothing that sets itself apart from those that only nostalgically recall the sepia-toned photographic world.










サイズ 3(46-48相当 )

肩幅 =45cm 


袖丈 =58 cm 

着丈 =65cm


表地   = Cotton Pied-de Poule / Cotton 100%

ライナー = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton 100%

ボタン  = Dead Stock French Wood & Glass Buttons 

                  & Antique Fabric Covered Buttons






1950-1960 Vintage Old “Pied-de Poule Veste de Travail ” Made by Long Established French Manufacture Ets. BRAGARD 

[ALTERATION By Manure Of Drawers] SOLD