1960’s Vintage Old French Tailored Jacket Made of Harris Tweed with ALTERATION Hand Seam Stitching
There are very few items that are exactly the same, and even if there are, they are very few in number, so you can’t wear the same item as others (=unique?). There are many reasons why people choose vintage clothes, such as: the interesting change with age due to being worn, the freshness of designs and patterns that are not found in current items, the image of wearing vintage clothes = being a little more fashionable, and the rarity. There are various reasons why people choose vintage clothes, such as the image of being a fashionable person who wears vintage clothes, and rarity.
Take, for example, the texture of the fabric of this jacket. I think that the fabric production such as spinning and weaving 70 years ago, and the difference in the quality of the wool itself, whose growing environment and feeding are different from today, are things that we cannot hope to reproduce or replicate today.
This one also has the same style of tailor’s jackets of the time, with firm shoulder pads that create a strong shoulder line, a solid core that is more appropriate for being firm than tight, open sleeves with button closures, and a square hem with no vents. It was a bit dowdy for clothes worn nowadays.
We removed the padding, adjusted the shoulder width, rounded the hems, lightened the hems, adjusted the sleeve width and length, made deformed side vents and main cutouts, made new buttonholes on the sleeves and collar, hand-bagged the others together, rebuilt the lining and inside pockets, reworked the pocket bag cloth, …etc…
The sleeves are too thick, the shoulders are sloppily padded, the length is too long, the atmosphere is too heavy and dull for some reason, the lining is stained and the pockets are filled with dust from who knows when, it’s a little filthy and old-fashioned and doesn’t fit, but that’s vintage, and that’s fine (and that’s what it’s supposed to be). It’s a lot of extra work for people who think it’s vintage and that’s all right (and that’s good).
Harris tweedを作り出したスコットランドの島嶼部に残る小作農(Crofters)は、18世紀のハイランダー反乱の失敗で、追い出され島嶼部の荒れた土地に住むしかなかった住民たちのコミュニティ。
The Crofters, who created the Harris tweed, are a community of Scottish island crofters who were evicted from their homes and forced to live on the wastelands of the islands after the failed Highlander Rebellion in the 18th century.
Crofterが保有できた小作地(Croft)は、元々やせた土地に加えて小規模なため、農業だけでは生計が成り立たず、漁業や家で手工業を手掛けたりして収入を得る必要があった。その家内手工業の一つが手織りの織物であり、それが生み出した特産品がHarris Tweed。
The crofts that Crofters were able to hold were originally too thin and small to make a living from agriculture alone, so they had to earn their income by fishing and doing handicrafts at home. One of these handicrafts was hand-woven textiles, which gave birth to Harris Tweed, a specialty product of the island.
島で染色と紡績を行い、職人の自宅で手織りしたものでなければ認めないというHarris Tweedの厳密な基準は、Crofterという存在があってこそというHarris Tweedの成立過程が、今も遵守されている。
Harris Tweed’s strict standards, which require dyeing and spinning to be done on the island and hand-woven in the weaver’s home, are still observed today, as is the process of establishing Harris Tweed, which was only possible because of the existence of the Crofter.
The only materials that the islanders were able to produce for themselves were flax (linen) and hemp, which were grown in the island’s climate, and textiles made from sheep’s wool. In the cold climate, where the maximum temperature is around 17 degrees Celsius even in the middle of summer, woolen clothing is essential throughout the year, and it was natural for each family to develop the skill and tradition of spinning wool into yarn and weaving it themselves in order to be self-sufficient.
Tweeds are made from woolen fabrics, which are mainly spun from coarse, short wool fibers, and have a texture that is the opposite of that of worsted fabrics, which are made from long wool that has been carded and twisted to be supple and soft. Harris Tweed, woven on the island of Harris (Isle of Lewis) in the Outer Hebrides, surrounded by the harsh natural environment of the North Atlantic Ocean, is special among the various tweed production areas in Ireland and England such as Donegal (Donegal) and Shetland.
The oil in the raw wool that was left in the woven fabric has been lost over time, and the slightly dry texture is something that only vintage tweed has.
The slightly dry texture is something that only vintage tweeds have and can only be obtained through time.
Harris Tweedは自然に溶け込む素朴な色合いがほとんど。しかしこの1着はブラックとチャコールやミックスグレーの奥にグリーンを潜ませたモダンさ溢れる色合いで織り上げられたヘリンボーン。フランスのセンス溢れる、複雑で奥深いく柔らかなツイード。
Most Harris Tweed comes in rustic shades that blend in with nature. However, this one is a herringbone woven in modern shades of black, charcoal, and mixed grays with a hint of green. A complex, deep, and soft tweed with a French flair.
Rounding is added to the front hems, the shoulder form is adjusted, and all the edge stitching is undone to give the hems a fuller, softer appearance.
Hand-stitched stitches on some of the side and sleeve seam allowances. Soft texture of thread imported from the Czech Republic for its rustic thread texture.
The closed cuffs have been reworked into shaped surgeon’s cuffs by joining the fabric.
Whether opened or folded back, they create a modern nuance and add to the enjoyment of wearing the garment. The side vents are also newly made by hand by joining the fabric, and the hand-stitched wrinkles are beautiful and soft.
Velvet ribbon added by hand stitching around the flap.
The original buttonholes are also hand-holed, with the threads unraveled and all re-covered.
The rustic cotton broadcloth, which has been replaced with cupro lining, has moderate tension and wrinkles, and the rustic look of the yarn woven in India is attractive. The hand-patted liner gives the fabric texture, color contrast, and clean feeling. The soft stitching and wrinkles are the result of handwork.
The flap lining and pocket pouch fabric have also been replaced with rustic cotton for a rich look of contrast, movement, and cleanliness. The new pocket pouch fabric removes the unidentified dust that has accumulated over the years and gives an accent to the pockets. The basic idea is to remove the unidentifiable remnants stuck in the corners of the pockets that are common in Vintage, the discoloration on the sides of the lining and around the neck, and anything else that cannot be called a gift of time.
What is impossible to reproduce in the modern age is made into a piece of clothing that is not only attractive as “rare, precious, and old,” but also old but never old.
Only real time, chance, and hands can create something that can never be created on paper or in a computer screen.
サイズ 2(Equivalent to JPN =M, EU=46-48, UK=38-40, USA=38-40)
肩幅 =46cm (18.5n)
バスト=56cm(脇下) (23in)
袖丈 =62 cm (24.5in)
着丈 =74cm (29.5in)
Outer Fabric = Old Scottish Harris Tweed / Wool100%
Lining Fabric = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad / Cotton100%
Buttons = Buffalo Horn Button
& Antique Fabric Covered Button
1960’s Vintage Old French Tailored Jacket Made of Harris Tweed with ALTERATION Hand Seam Stitching
[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers] SOLD