

Vintage Wool/Linen Tweedy Fabric & Cotton Tweed Fabric Made Gilet

Vintage Wool/Linen Tweedy Fabric & Cotton Tweed Fabric Made Gilet




French Vintage Wool/Linen Tweedy Broken Twill Weave Fabric & French Vintage Cotton Tweed Fabric Made Gilet





A gilet can add nuance to a plain shirt and trousers style, or it can elevate the look of a jacket.










生地は1960年代のフランスのvintageのデッドストック。リネン大国であるフランスらしさを感じさせられる、リネン/ウールのbroken twill。

The fabric is a French vintage deadstock from the 1960s. It is a linen/wool broken twill, which gives a sense of France as a linen powerhouse.










経糸は少し太めに紡がれたecruのウールとグレーのリネンを撚り合わせたメランジ糸。緯糸がワインブラウンとベージュとグレーが入り混じったウール糸で織られたbroken twill。

The warp is a melange of slightly thicker spun ecru wool and gray linen twisted together. The weft is a broken twill woven with wool yarns in a mixture of wine brown, beige and gray.











A tweed-like look with a nepid look of spun rustic wool and loosely twisted linen yarns.











This fascinating fabric is hard to believe that it is 60 years old, as you can feel the core of linen behind the soft wool fluff and softness.











The fabric for the back is a French vintage cotton tweed. It is a cotton tweed-like fabric woven with mélange nep threads in a mixture of browns, grays, and ecru, and has an appealing, austere vintage look.











The stitching on the back is inspired by the quaint stitching from the days when farmer’s wives and others painstakingly sewed together by hand to join fabrics from old looms that could only be woven in narrow widths for wider widths.











Rustic cotton broadcloth has moderate tension and wrinkles, and the rustic look of the yarn woven in India is appealing.











Hand stitching of linen cord to hold the lining together from the front to the back and around the neck. It must be meaningful that we spent more than ten times as much time on a job that would take only a few minutes if sewn on a sewing machine.











The buttons are buffalo horn buttons. Buttons slightly larger in diameter than those normally used for gilets are sewn in rows on hand-sewn buttonholes. 











Buttonholes are lined up in rows, just like buttons. The buttonholes, made by hand using linen cord thread, add a different flavor from those sewn by a sewing machine.











The inside is also lined with buttons wrapped in old fabric found in a French farmer’s barn.










要所要所に色を添える、wrap over stitch。

Wrap over stitch to add color in key places.












One pocket. Simple and useless, hand-sewn.











Hand stitching on the sides and shoulders to connect the front and back body.











It is a piece of clothing that can be found everywhere, but nowhere else, old and new, new and old.










サイズ  2

Shoulder width = 41cm 

Bust = 54cm (underarm)

Front Length = 59cm 

Back Length = 55cm


Front Body Fabric =  French Vintage Wool/Linen Tweedy Broken Twill/ Linen/Wool

Back Body Fabric =  Vintage Cotton Tweed  Fabric / Cotton 100%

Lining = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton100%

Button = Buffalo Horn Button & Antique Fabric Covered Button






French Vintage Wool/Linen Tweedy Broken Twill Weave Fabric & French Vintage Cotton Tweed Fabric Made Gilet

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