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1920’s Antique Hand Woven French Linen Ticking Fabric Made Lot of Darning Old Style Jacket
1920年代フランスのAntiqueのLinenのTicking Fabricで製作したジャケットです。
This jacket was made in 1920s French Antique Linen Ticking Fabric.
Ticking is a fabric made of cotton and linen yarns, densely woven, traditionally used in Europe for mattresses and pillowcases with stuffing inside.
The high-density weaving process increases durability against fraying and tearing, prevents the internal fillings (feathers, straw, wool, etc.) from sticking out, and the taut texture of the fabric and the traditional and distinctive patterns, mainly stripes, give it a unique presence that is highly popular. Today, it is also well established as a wide range of interior materials such as upholstery for chairs and sofas.
This antique fabric was woven in France more than 100 years ago, and is made of thick French linen that still has a hand-spun feel, densely woven on a manual loom. The taut fabric has been used and washed repeatedly, softening it and giving it a rustic texture.
The traditional stripes of off-white and red on a darker ecru base, which is the exact color of FLAX, have a distinctive presence and character.
形は19世紀末のフランスのSACK COATをベースに製作した古いジャケットのスタイル。
The shape is an old jacket style based on the French SACK COAT of the late 19th century.
SACK COATは1840年代のフランスで作り始められた軽い仕様のジャケット。この頃の男性の上着はFROCK COATが中心の時代。FROCK COATは腰に切り返しとカーブした背ダーツによる切り返し、臀部にアイロニングでしっかりとした膨らみを作ることなど、背中だけで4つのパーツが必要な難しく複雑な原型製作と縫製仕様で高い技術を必要とするもの。
The SACK COAT was a lightweight jacket first made in France in the 1840s. The FROCK COAT required four parts for the back alone, such as a cut-out at the waist and curved back darts, and a firm bulge in the buttocks by ironing, making it difficult and complicated to make and sew, requiring a high level of skill.
SACK COATはその仕様を簡略化し、全体に絞りの無いゆったりとしたフォルムに作られた。背中の4つのパーツを2つにした生地のカット仕様がSACKと呼ばれたのが名称の所以。
The SACK COAT is a simplified version of the SACK COAT, with a loose-fitting form that has no narrowing at all. The name “SACK” comes from the specification of cutting the four parts of the back into two.
ゴージラインが高くネックの詰まった印象のSACK COAT特徴的な襟のかえりの表情と、少し珍しい曲線的なフォルムの上襟の組み合わせが作る柔らかな顔つき。襟を立てて留められる仕様。
SACK COAT with a high gorge line and a tight neckline. The combination of the characteristic look of the collar and the slightly unusual curved form of the upper collar gives it a soft look. The collar can be fastened in the upright position.
The shoulder line is made to flow dorsally with a strong shoulder slope in the style of the old French design. The bias direction of the shoulder fabric creates a soft shoulder line along the shoulder.
Chest pocket cut high.
The short length, rounded hemline, and form that gently spreads toward the hem create an indescribable expression.
本来のSACK COATにはあまり見られませんが、あえて取り入れた着こなしの楽しみが広がるサイドベントとsurgeon’s cuffs。手仕事だからこその変則仕様は、手縫い皺も美しい柔らかな仕様です。
The side vents and surgeon’s cuffs, which are not often seen in the original SACK COAT, but which add to the enjoyment of dressing, are an irregular specification that can only be achieved by handwork, and the hand-sewn wrinkles are also beautiful and soft.
In contrast to the dependence on imported cotton materials, French linen is easy to obtain and familiar because it is grown in France. The fabric has a deep taste with various textures and shades that reflect the passage of years of use, and the withered texture further enhances the taste.
ANTIQUE markings indicating many damages such as fraying and tears scattered throughout.
Darning’s fascinating repairs to more than a dozen damaged areas. The result is a long and painstaking process of needle insertion into each damaged area.
Rustic cotton lining with hand stitching. Uneven stitching that conveys stoicism rather than hand warmth, the look of stitch wrinkles and fabric contrast creates a dry depth.
Rustic cotton broadcloth has the right amount of tension and wrinkles, and the rustic look of the yarn woven in India.
The liner is hand-patted to create a contrast in texture, color, and cleanliness. The soft stitching and wrinkles are the result of handwork.
The buttonholes are tastefully kinked with linen cord on a dare.
The buttons are vintage corozo (mainly Ecuadorian tagua palms), randomly selected in various colors and shapes from beige to brown. The buttons are made from the endosperm inside the seed of the palm.
vegetable ivoryの呼び名通りの乳白色の実を削って加工される何とも言えない丸みと、乳白色のベースを染める事で生まれる優しい色合いの魅力。見た目に反してしっかりした質感と重みを兼ね備えた、味わい深さを持ったボタンです。
As the name “vegetable ivory” implies, this button has an indescribable roundness created by shaving milky white berries, and the charm of the gentle coloring produced by dyeing the milky white base. Contrary to its appearance, this button has a solid texture and weight, and has a deep sense of taste.
A basic, yet unforgettable appearance. Clothes that can do what old and new alone cannot do.
It is something that could never be created on paper or on a computer screen, only by real time, chance, and the hand.
サイズ 2 ( M )
肩幅 = 40cm
バスト= 53cm(脇下)
袖丈 = 61cm
着丈 = 73cm
Front Fabric = French Antique Linen / Linen
Back Fabric = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton100%
Buttons = Vintage Corozo(Vegetable Ivory) Buttons (Random Choice)
& Antique Fabric Covered Buttons
[STANDRD By Manure of Drawers]