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1950-1960 Vintage French Indigo Dyed Linen/Cotton Twill Fabric Made Maquignon Chore Work Worker Duster Coat
A work coat that has withstood the elements over time and sunlight.
The fabric is an indigo-dyed twill made from a blend of cotton and linen.
The wear and tear and damage that remain in places strongly reflect the time that this garment has traveled.
グレーのメランジ糸で織られた所謂salt&pepperの“GRIS de Travail” (グレーの仕事着)と並んで、フランスの働く人々の仕事着を代表する“blue de travail”(青い仕事着)。インディゴとカラー表記されていても普通染料で染めれた物が大半の中で、インディゴ染色のこの1着は貴重な存在です。
Along with the so-called salt & pepper “GRIS de Travail” (gray workwear) woven with gray melange yarn, “blue de travail” (blue workwear) is a representative workwear for working people in France. Even though it is labeled as indigo, most of it is dyed with regular dyes, so this indigo-dyed piece is a rare find.
When this coat was dismantled, animal hair or grain husks were found at the bottom of the pocket and in the corners of the inside flap, which suggests that it was probably worn by a farmer or domestic worker in the outskirts (the countryside) rather than a worker in the city.
This work coat has a simple form, as if it was made by a tailor in a rural area, with single-piece sleeves like those of a shirt, a back made from a single piece with no seam or vents at the center back, and straight, simple stitching.
The missing waist pocket was repurposed from an old work jacket.
The repurposed pocket has been lined and given a double layer to give it a three-dimensional look, and the pocket opening has been changed to antique indigo linen.
The chest pocket, a feature unique to Maquignon workwear, has been lined to give it a three-dimensional look.
The collar, often seen in French workwear of this period, is not made of a single piece but is made of two strongly curved parts that are joined together to form a flat but voluminous collar that follows the body. This collar is also a uniquely French creation of a three-dimensional pattern conception.
The back collar has been remade from India ink dyed linen. It is gray with fine stitching and hand stitching to attach it to the body.
The buttons are vintage corozo (mainly from the tagua palm of Ecuador) randomly selected in two sizes and in a variety of colors and shapes. These tasteful buttons are made from the endosperm inside the seed of the palm.
Before the development of plastic in the 19th century to the 1950s, buttons were actively produced, taking advantage of their smooth texture, hardness, durability, and good dyeability.
vegetable ivoryの呼び名通りの乳白色の実を削って加工される何とも言えない丸みと、乳白色のベースを染める事で生まれる優しい色合いの魅力。見た目に反してしっかりした質感と重みを兼ね備えた、味わい深さを持ったボタンです。
As the name “vegetable ivory” implies, this button has an indescribable roundness created by shaving milky white berries, and the charm of the gentle coloring produced by dyeing the milky white base. Contrary to its appearance, this button has a solid texture and weight, and has a deep sense of taste.
The original buttonholes are also hand-holed, with all the threads untied and re-stitched by hand.
The buttons, whose number has been tripled, create an ordinary but unusual look.
The buttons, triple the number and lined up in a row, give the garment a classic yet modern look. The minimalist look, which eliminates the warmth of handcrafted work, is old yet new.
The ends of the sleeves, which were severely damaged, were removed and replaced with parts made from ANTIQUE indigo linen.
The rustic cotton broadcloth lining has just the right amount of tension and wrinkle, and the rustic look of the yarn is appealing.
The lining is hand-blind stitched. The uneven stitching conveys a sense of stoicism rather than the warmth of the hand, and the texture of the creases and fabric create a dry depth.
Blind stitching by hand to sew the linings together. It must be meaningful that we spent more than ten times as much time on a job that would take only a few minutes if sewn with a sewing machine.
To lighten the hem, the lining hem is floated instead of sewn. A deep turnover is added to give the right amount of volume, and hand-stitched accents are added.
Waterproof, sweat-wicking, tough, flame-retardant. Materials have become increasingly sophisticated, and designs have evolved to accommodate greater mobility and work efficiency, but the world of workwear is surely regressing in terms of fashion.
ファッションとは無縁のはずの世界である仕事着に込められた、フランスのセンスが、多くの愛好家を生み、惹きつけ続け、お手本となり続ける、フランスというモード発祥の地が培った“ ファッションの原点 ” が生み出したワークウェアの到達点の一つです。
The French esprit and sense put into workwear, which is a world that should have nothing to do with fashion, has given birth to many lovers and continues to attract them, and continues to be a role model. It is one of the achievements of workwear.
This coat’s history is proof that it once belonged to working people, and that it has been decorated in various ways, such as with darning and patches, to remove the wear, tears and holes that indicate the love and affection that has been placed over a long period of time.
SIZE Free(S~L)
Shoulder Width =53cm (22in)
Bust Width=59cm(脇下) (24in)
Sleeve length =56 cm (23in)
Length =92cm (37in)
Front Fabric = Indigo Dyed Linen/Cotton Twill / Linen&Cotton
Back Fabric = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton 100%
Buttons = 1950-1960 Vintage French Corozo Button
& Antique Fabric Covered Buttons
[ALTERATION By Manure Of Drawers] ON SALE