1950-1960 Vintage French State-issued Leather Jacket Made by “GVF”(New successor to Le Corbusier’s favorite model)
1950年代製造のvintageのレザージャケットです。フランスの軍や警察、消防隊などの国家組織の従事者や、郵便や電力など当時まだ国営企業だった企業の従事者に支給されたものの1種。その中で、この一着は2004年まで国有企業だったフランス電力会社(Électricité de France=EDF)の従業員に支給されたものです。
This is a vintage leather jacket manufactured in the 1950s. It is one of the jackets that were issued to the employees of the French state organizations such as the military, police, fire department, etc., and to the employees of the companies that were still state-owned at that time, such as the postal service and electric power companies. This jacket was issued to the employees of Électricité de France (EDF), a state-owned company until 2004.
製造したのはフランス南西部のタルン県のGraulhetにあったGVFという会社です。Graulhetはフランスでかつては、革の鞣し加工の中心で、GVFはその地元で産出される皮革材料を使用したアウター類を専門に、軍やEDFなど国営企業向けに製造していました。しかし一時は隆盛を極めたGraulhetの皮革産業は、鞣し加工の際に使用する化学薬品の混入した排水の問題や、大規模で安価で安定した品質の革を供給できるようになった中国の台頭によって衰退。現在では、「Maison des Métiers du Cuir」とういうレザー産業ミュージアムと小規模なタンナーだけが残るのみとなってしまいました。
It was manufactured by GVF, a company located in Graulhet in the Tarn department in southwestern France. Graulhet used to be the center of leather tanning in France, and GVF specialized in manufacturing outerwear using locally produced leather materials for the military, EDF and other state-owned companies. However, the leather industry in Graulhet, which was once thriving, declined due to the problem of waste water contaminated with chemicals used in tanning process and the rise of China, which was able to supply leather on a large scale with stable quality at low cost. Today, only a leather industry museum called “Maison des Métiers du Cuir” and a few small tanneries remain.
In addition, the military and state-owned companies to which GVF sold its products have been changing their uniforms from leather to new high-performance materials such as nylon and Gore-Tex. This is in contrast to Gallin, which also manufactured leather firefighting uniforms, but has been able to maintain its business with high performance materials. After the dissolution of GVF, the company moved to Mazamet, about 20 km from Graulhet, a town with a long history of leather manufacturing, mainly sheepskin. in 2006, the company resumed operations, shifting its product line to leather bags, pouches, and other accessories.
このダブルブレストのデザインのジャケットは、近代建築の三大巨匠のひとりのLe Corbusierが愛用していた物の後継型のもの。よく目にするLe Corbusierがこのタイプのジャケットを着用した写真の中の、この1枚の撮影は1940-1942年と言われています。Le Corbusierのアトリエで撮られた写真の背景の壁には1938年に彼がデザインした「Applique de Marseille Wall Lamp」が取り付けられていますので、写真の年代は正確な物なのだろうと思われます。
This double-breasted design jacket is a successor to the one used by Le Corbusier, one of the three great masters of modern architecture. It is said that this one of the most commonly seen photographs was taken in 1940-1942.
Le Corbusier wore this type of jacket, On the wall in the background of the photo, taken in his studio, there is an “Applique de Marseille Wall Lamp” designed by him in 1938. The age of the photo is likely to be accurate.
He was 53-55 years old at this time, and was probably in the midst of his career as an architect. The jacket has some wrinkles and peeling of the leather surface, and the leather itself has become quite soft. The collar is a large round shape with a low height along the neck. The chest pockets do not have flaps, but are slightly slanted and double-edged. The waist pockets are flap pockets cut horizontally. There are no tabs on the sleeves. Lining is unknown. Judging from the worn-in look in the 1940 photo, I’d say this shape is probably a model from the 1920s or 1930s.
In the 30 years or so since then, France has undergone World War II, major industrial and political changes, and the resulting changes in manufacturing backgrounds, systems, and contractors have led to this jacket. It is a successor model with minor changes while keeping the basic features such as round type front wool collar, double-breasted with eight buttons, French chrome-tanned cowhide leather, one breast pocket and two hip pockets.
I can’t help but be amazed that the prototype of this jacket, which is still stylish even today, was already perfected 100 years ago. Furthermore, the fact that it was not a fashion garment to compete in design, but rather a product supplied by a public company that required practicality and functionality, makes me realize the sophistication of France and the excellence of functional decorative design.
The round pattern around the collar has a unique atmosphere of the French vintage. The stitching on the collar, which made the impression of the collar tight, is untied, and the look of the collar is slightly relaxed with wool + Patch and darning for damage caused by wearing.
Shallow, double-breasted frontal fit. In order to change the standard left-front fit to a right-front fit, buttonholes have been made on the inside so that buttonholes can be opened on the right side of the body. The front of the buttonhole on the right side of the body is uncut, but it can be cut and opened to make a buttonhole.
The jackets are tailored in a three-dimensional pattern that follows the basics of French tailoring, and are not only functional and made for professionals, but are also full of the spirit, beauty, and strength of French esprit.
オリジナルのチェックのブランケットライナーを未晒しのventile clothに変更し、ヴィンテージの重いイメージを中和して、清潔でモダンな印象と着込まれたレザーの風合いを両立させたジャケットにALTERATIONしています。
The original checkered blanket liner is replaced with unbleached ventile cloth to neutralize the heavy vintage image and ALTERATION to a jacket that has both a clean and modern look and the texture of worn leather.
英国が誇る防水防風素材のventile clothは、英国空軍のパイロットが撃墜などで冷たい海に投げ出された時に、水の浸入を防ぐとともに内部の空気を逃さず浮力を確保して、救助を待てるようにと考えられた生地という事は、よく知られています。
It is well known that the ventile cloth, a waterproof and windproof material that is the pride of the British, was designed to prevent water infiltration and to keep the air inside buoyant so that pilots of the Royal Air Force could wait for rescue when they were thrown into the cold sea after being shot down.
It is a fabric that has established a unique position in the market with its three key characteristics of water resistance, moisture permeability, and breathability, which block water from the outside while letting out perspiration and moisture vapor from the inside, as well as the four key characteristics of the fabric itself, such as its unique elasticity and flat surface. It is a fabric that has established a unique position.
ventile clothはよくその撥水性が語られます。確かに高品質の長繊維綿の繊細な毛羽は短時間であれば水滴を弾きます。しかし長い時間水分に触れれば、やがてその毛羽も濡れて撥水性は低下します。ventile clothの本質は、濡れても安易に水の浸透を許さない織組織の緊密性であり、最初の時点だけの撥水性が重要なのではありません。この長繊維のコットンは全世界の綿の総収穫量のうち、わずか2%しか取れません。だからventile clothは高価で希少で、生産できる工場も非常に限られています。
Ventile cloth is often talked about for its water repellency. It is true that the delicate fluff of high quality long-fiber cotton can repel water droplets for a short time. However, if it is exposed to water for a long time, the fluff will eventually get wet and lose its water repellency. The essence of ventile cloth is the tightness of the weave structure that does not allow water to penetrate easily even when wet, and the water repellency at the initial stage is not important. This long-fiber cotton accounts for only 2% of the world’s total cotton harvest. That is why ventile cloth is expensive and rare, and the number of factories that can produce it is very limited.
胸ポケットのフラップや袖口のストラップの裏側などもventile clothに張り替えて、全体を締めるちょっとしたアクセントに。
The flap of the breast pocket and the back side of the cuff straps are also upholstered in ventile cloth to add a little accent to the overall look.
オリジナルのレザー仕様のポケット口を残し、袋布をrustic cottonに取り替えてリネンコードのハンドステッチでとめつけた内ポケット。
The original leather pocket opening is retained, and the inner pocket is made of rustic cotton and hand-stitched with linen cord.
ウエストポケットも胸ポケット、内ポケット全て旧い袋布を取り外して、新たにrustic cottonで作り替えています。長年の間にたまる服の内側の埃や、ポケットに残る汚れやこびりついた埃を取り除き、不潔な残滓は全てゴミ箱へ捨てる事もALTERATIONの基本です。
The waist pockets, chest pockets, and inside pockets are all made from rustic cotton after removing the old sackcloth. ALTERATION is also based on removing dust from the inside of the garment, dirt and stuck dust from the pockets, and throwing all filthy residue into the trash.
The cuffs, hem, and hem of the liner are left open to give the jacket a sense of movement and lightness, and the more you wear it, the more it will change.
襟の裏側を留めたリネンの赤のステッチ。襟を立てた時にチラリと見える、アクセント。襟を立てるさいのチンストラップの裏側もventile clothに張り替えています。
Red linen stitching that fastens the back of the collar. This accent can be seen when the collar is turned up. The back side of the chin strap is also made of ventile cloth.
ventile clothのライナーの取り付けと裾まわりの手の仕事。硬い生地を一針一針、丹念に縫い止めたステッチの手仕事ゆえの自然な乱れは豊かな趣を与える時間の結晶です。
Hand work on the liner and hem of the ventile cloth. The natural irregularity of the stitches, which are painstakingly sewn into the hard fabric one stitch at a time by hand, is the fruit of time that gives the fabric a rich flavor.
Thick leather that still remains firm and taut. The imprint of time on the shoulders, sleeves, and other parts that are subject to a lot of movement. This is a garment that we look forward to seeing continue to deepen its texture.
ベーシックでありながらどこかモダンな佇まい。そんな、古いだけ、新しいだけでは、出来ないことができる服。 服に骨董的な価値だけや、自分を高く見せる値札の役目を求めない人達の為のただのビンテージをやめた服。
Basic, yet somehow modern in appearance. This is the kind of clothing that can’t be done with just old or new. Clothes that are not just vintage, for people who do not want their clothes to have antique value or serve as a price tag to make them look expensive.
サイズ 2~3(少しゆったりめのM)
肩幅 =45cm
袖丈 =62 cm
バスト =55cm(脇下)
着丈 =69cm
表地 = French Cow Hide Leather / Leather
ライニング = Ventile Cotton Cloth / Cotton 100%
ボタン = Vintage Resin Button
+Antique Fabric Covered Button
[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers] SOLD