Patch and Stitch Knit Jacket Made by End of 70’s Vintage 24Gauge Merino Wool “JOHN SMEDLEY”
創業から240年となるJOHN SMEDLEY。美しく精緻なフルファッションド(総減らし目)で編み出された、ハイゲージのニットは、素材も含め他の追随を許さない歴史と技術とクオリティを持っています。
JOHN SMEDLEY has been in business for 240 years, and its high gauge knitwear, knitted in a beautiful and exquisite Fully Fashioned style, has an unrivaled history, technology, and quality, including materials.
The smoothness and flatness of the Fully Fashioned and finely knitted parts, especially the linking between the shoulders and sleeves, is the result of the skill of our skilled craftsmen who precisely join the fine 24-30 gauge knitting. It is the accumulation of the skill and exceptional technique of the craftsman who precisely performs the mind-boggling and detailed work
JOHN SMEDLEYが使用する素材は、長年の着用でも、光沢や柔らかさ失うこともなく、毛玉とも無縁の直径18-19ミクロン(人間の髪の毛は90ミクロン)という細くしなやかで柔らかな最高品質のメリノウール。そして全綿花の僅か1.7%の収穫量の超長綿の中で、さらに超長綿全体の中の0.01%( =綿全体の中では数十万分の一 )の収穫量という貴重で高価な海島綿。
JOHN SMEDLEY uses the finest merino wool of 18-19 microns in diameter (human hair is 90 microns), which is thin, supple, and soft, and does not lose its luster or softness even after many years of wear, and is not subject to pilling. And then there is the precious and expensive sea-island cotton, which is harvested from only 1.7% of all extra-long-staple cotton and only 0.01% of all cotton (i.e., one hundred thousandth of all cotton).
これらの最上質の素材と、精緻なフルファッションドとリンキングなど最高峰の手作業の仕上げ技術が組み合わされた製品が、非常にリーズナブルな価格で提供される事実は、他者に真似のできないJOHN SMEDLEY唯一のものです。それは、JOHN SMEDLEYが綿花の紡績と生地造りといった素材製造から創業し、製品展開へと発展した歴史をもち、製品製造のすべての工程の知見と技術を獲得し、その機能を自社で保持していることによるものです。
The fact that JOHN SMEDLEY is able to offer products that combine these top-quality materials with the highest manual finishing techniques, such as exquisite Fully Fashioned and linking, at extremely reasonable prices is unique to JOHN SMEDLEY and cannot be imitated by any other company. This is due to the fact that JOHN SMEDLEY has a history of starting from material manufacturing such as cotton spinning and fabric making and developing into product development, acquiring knowledge and skills in all processes of product manufacturing, and maintaining these functions in-house.
そのJOHN SMEDLEYの1970年代末頃の24ゲージメリノウールニットをALTERTIONしたニットジャケットです。
This knit jacket is ALTERTION of JOHN SMEDLEY’s 24-gauge merino wool knit from the late 1970s.
Lining attached to the inside to enhance its function as outerwear and ease of wear. Rustic cotton broadcloth has a moderate tension and wrinkle, and the rustic look of the yarn woven in India is appealing.
Patches of vintage and antique fabrics sewn on both fronts.
The intricate shape of PATCH, the fabric texture, and the odd balance of contrasting shades.
ダメージのあった裾や袖口には、アクセントを兼ねたwrap around stitchを。
Wrap around stitches are used to accentuate the damaged hems and cuffs.
This is not a patch with frayed edges or rough stitching, as is often the case in patchwork, but an accumulation of fabrics trimmed with 1-1.5 mm fine stitches and contrasting threads in subdued colors.
The collar is also buttoned so that it can be stood up and fastened.
The shape of the hemming patch, which extends out from the edge, is also unique.
Vintage thick linen cords fastened to the lining. The rhythm created by the unintentional and natural disorder of the stitches due to the handwork.
Darninig repaired thread damage caused by snagging and fraying from years of wear.
The round shape and bulging inside pocket tastefully enhance the outerwear’s functionality. Contrasts that give a sense of taste and cleanliness.
In order not to interfere with the elasticity and softness of the knit, the hem of the lining is left floating a light impression.
The buttons are vintage corozo (mainly tagua palms from Ecuador). These quaint buttons are made by processing the endosperm part of the seeds inside the fruit.
Before the development of plastics from the 19th century to the 1950s, these buttons were actively made to take advantage of their smooth feel, hardness, durability, and dyeability.
vegetable ivoryの呼び名通りの乳白色の実を削って加工される何とも言えない丸みと、乳白色のベースを染める事で生まれる優しい色合いの魅力。見た目に反してしっかりした質感と重みを兼ね備えた、味わい深さを持ったボタンです。
As the name “vegetable ivory” implies, this button has an indescribable roundness created by shaving milky white berries, and the charm of the gentle coloring produced by dyeing the milky white base. Contrary to its appearance, this button has a solid texture and weight, and has a deep sense of taste.
The softness of the hand-stitched wrinkles and the atmospheric look of the rows of vintage buttons are the result of handwork.
Clothing that can do what just old or just new cannot do.
サイズ 2
肩幅 =48cm
袖丈 =60 cm
着丈 =65cm
表地 = Fine Merino Wool Yarn / Wool100%
ライナー = Indian Rustic Cotton Broad Cloth / Cotton 100%
ボタン = Vintage French Corozo Button (Random Choice)
& Antique Fabric Covered Button
Patch and Stitch Knit Jacket Made by End of 70’s Vintage 24Gauge Merino Wool “JOHN SMEDLEY”
[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers] SOLD