1970-1980 Vintage Patch & Stitch Trimmed Irish Linen/Cotton Knit Cardigan
Irish linen is synonymous with luxury linen and is a sign of the highest quality. However, the cultivation of flax, the raw material for linen production in Ireland, ceased more than 60 years ago in the 1960s, and the spinning of linen from flax ceased around 1990.
Originally, Irish linen was made by spinning flax, which was cultivated in Ulster in the north of Ireland (Donagal and Tyrone, where Herdmans was located), into yarn and weaving it in Ireland.
Nowadays, Irish linen is mainly made from flax from France and Belgium, spun into yarn in China and other countries, and woven in Irish Linen Guild member companies and their authorized mills (often outside of Ireland).
In other words, the “Irish Linen” available today is just a brand name that includes products that have nothing to do with Ireland, but only with the “Irish Linen” trademark. The reality is that it is just French linen, Belgian linen, or Chinese linen that calls itself “Irish line
まだ純粋なアイリッシュリネンのストックが残っていた頃のLinenとCottonを使って、1969年にアイルランド北部で創業したGAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD.で編まれたニットカーディガンです。会社名のGAELTARRAとは、アイルランドの原語であるゲール語使用地域を表す言葉です。
This knit cardigan is knitted by GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD. which was established in the north of Ireland in 1969 using Linen and Cotton when there were still stocks of pure Irish Linen. The company name, GAELTARRA, is a term for the original Gaelic-speaking region of Ireland.
GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD.の創業地のMAYO県はアイルランドの32の県の中でで2番目に広い地域で、フィッシャーマンセーターのAran諸島(スコットランドのArran島(=INVERALLANはこちらのアランです)とは別物)から北に50kmぐらいの距離。気温が低く痩せた土地が続くこの地域の産業はジャガイモや穀物、リネン栽培(1960年代以降は斜陽産業化し消滅)と牧羊。
The area where GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD. was established is the second largest among the 32 counties in Ireland, and is about 50 km north of the Aran Islands, where Fisherman’s Sweaters is located. (This is different from the Arran Island in Scotland (=INVERALLAN is the Arran here)).
The industries in this region, where the temperature is low and the land is barren, are potato, grain, linen cultivation (which became a declining industry and disappeared after the 1960s), and sheep farming.
この辺りも、第二次大戦後、英国から独立したばかりで財政的に不安定だったアイルランドにとって貴重な収入源であり、輸出による外貨獲得のために政府肝入りの奨励産業だった手編みのセーターの製造が盛んに行われた地域でした。GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD.は、そのような背景の中、多くの手編みのフィッシャーマンニット(所謂Aran Knit)を生み出し、オフシーズンには地場産業であったリネンを使ったニットの製造も行っていました。
GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD. was established in the same area where the production of hand-knitted sweaters, an industry encouraged by the government, flourished as a valuable source of income for Ireland, which had just gained independence from the U.K. after World War II and was financially unstable. In this context, GAELTARRA KNITWEAR LTD. produced many hand-knitted fisherman’s knitwear (so-called “Aran Knit”), and in the off-season, it also manufactured knitwear using linen, which was a local industry.
アイルランドならではのIrish Linen/Cottonの糸の、ざっくりとた編み地のケーブルやロープ、畦などのモチーフを取り入たカーディガン。プラケットから襟ぐりの全体に、古い生地をpatchして、止まっていた時を現代と繋いだ1枚です。
This cardigan incorporates motifs such as cables, ropes, etc. in the rough knitted fabric of Irish linen/cotton yarn, which is unique to Ireland. Old fabrics are patched from the placket to the collar, connecting a time that has stood still to the present day.
patchしたのは、フランスのantiqueやvintageのindigo染めのlinen。villetteやbiaudeに使われたblack indigoや、pure natural indigoやiron mordantのさまざまな色合い。rusticな手織りや細番手の稠密なものなど、古いリネン生地の表情の作る趣。
The patches are French antique and vintage indigo-dyed linen in various shades of black indigo, pure natural indigo, and iron mordant used for villette and biaude. The expression of old linen fabrics, such as rustic hand-woven fabrics and fine, dense linen fabrics.
The overlapping and distorted shapes of the fabrics. In addition to the colors and materials of the patched fabrics, the patches are full of playful expressions of movement. The bottom edge has a playful shape that sticks out a little.
裾や袖口には、wrap around stitchを。さまざまな色のトリミングが、表情豊かなアクセントを作り出します。
Wrap around stitching at the hem and cuffs. Various colored trims create expressive accents.
The stitches that PATCH the fabric are fine stitches of about 1.5mm. The stitches are not loose hand stitches, but firm and stoic stitches. It is my method. The natural disorder of handwork that is inevitably added to the stitches is the source of the flavor. The stitches contrast discreetly with the color of each fabric. All buttonholes are also hand-stitched using linen cords.
The buttons are randomly selected vintage wood buttons from England and France. The buttons have different materials, shapes, and textures created by the tarnishing and fading over a long period of time.
ポケットには、rustic cottonの袋布を手縫でセットして、清潔感とアクセントを。
The pockets are set with hand-stitched rustic cotton sack cloth for a clean look and accent.
A basic yet somehow modern appearance. Clothes that can do what old and new alone cannot do.
サイズ 2(M相当)
裄丈 = 85cm (ラグランスリーブ=肩幅42cm 袖丈60cm相当)
バスト= 48cm(脇下)
着丈 = 63cm
表地 = Irish Linen & Cotton Yarn / Irish linen51% Cotton 49%
Patch = Vintage & Antique French Linen & Linen/Cotton Fabric (Indigo Linen, Villette, etc.)
ボタン = Vintage French and British Wood Button (Random Choice)
& Antique Fabric Covered Button
1970-1980 Vintage Patch & Stitch Trimmed Irish Linen/Cotton Knit Cardigan
[ALTERATION By Manure of Drawers] SOLD